CSIR-NPL's List for the renewal of the CGHS cards, which are due for renewal for the period of January to December 2025(1st Listof 432 pensioners)(submitted 17/12/2024)CGHS Order /Office Memorandum regarding Revised guidelines for Referral process in CGHS (28 June 2024)CGHS Order /Office Memorandum regarding Guidelines for Issue of CGHS Card to serving employees and retired employees (28 June 2024)The First list of Annual payments for renewal of CGHS cards for the period from 01.07.2024 to 30.06.2025 of the pensioners of CSIR-NPL ( 320 beneficiaries)Office Memorandum regarding Extension of CGHS Medical facilities to employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan (28 May 2024)List of 73 CGHS hospitals empanelled by CSIR Hqrs. for Cashless Indoor Treatment: CSIR Internal order dated 05-01-2024Annual payment for renewal of CGHS cards (CSIR-NPL PENSIONERS) for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024 of the pensioners of CSIR-NPL (435 persons)Office Memorandum regarding the option for Central Government Employees to avail CGHS benefits either for their parents or parents-in-law (July 2023)Regarding the Combined list of the memorandum of agreement signed with CGHS empanelled hospital (total 66) to provide a cashless treatment facility to the employees and pensioners of CSIR Hqrs & its Delhi-NCR Labs./Instts. the year 2023 (Dated 05/01/2023, 06-03-2023, 08-05-2023, 20-07-2023Card & Programme Section of CGHS HQ shifted to old premises. (21-06- 2023)Revision of CGHS rates for 36 Radiological / Imaging investigations regarding CGHS order dated 19 June 2023The first list of Annual payments for renewal of CGHS cards for the period from 01.07.2023 to 30.06.2024 of the pensioners of CSIR-NPL ( 344 beneficiaries)Office Memorandum regarding Setting up of Grievance/ Advisory Committee at CGHS Dispensary Level - Modification (17 March 2023)Validity of CGHS Card in all Wellness Centres OM dated 1st May 2023 (PDF)Revision of Consultation Fee, Room Rent and ICU charges for All Health Care Organisations (HCOs) (12 April 2023) [PDF]Office Memorandum regarding Setting up of Grievance / Advisory Committee at CGHS Dispensary Level - Modification (17 March 2023) View Archieve